GSEU at EGU General Assembly 2024

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April 16, 2024

European Geological Data Infrastructure (EGDI)
APRIL 17, 2024 | Vienna / online
Geological applications for EU: just a click away

The Geological Service for Europe Project aims to establish a sustainable organisation (GSE) from 2027 that will provide European institutions, academia, research organisations, national and regional policymakers, industry and citizens with up-to-date, high-quality EU/national level aggregated geoscientific information and advice about sustainable use and management of the subsurface.

The project will bring the subsurface into the light - drawing together the baseline data and knowledge needed to manage Europe's natural resources and reach Net Zero

The data core of the GSE is and will be the European Geological Data Infrastructure (EGDI). EGDI provides access to Pan-European and national geological datasets, tools, trainings and services from the Geological Survey Organisations of Europe.

The existing EGDI system will be taken to a new level by transforming the current data infrastructure into a knowledge infrastructure. EGDI will become a fundamental element of the GSEU, supporting the delivery of knowledge to policy makers and other stakeholders.

EGDI gives access to more than 800 map layers as well as a large number of documents (reports, images, spreadsheets, etc.). The layers can be shown on maps and all the information can be searched in a free text search system.

During the GSEU Project, new components will be implemented and developed in EGDI to meet the needs of scientific users and support research in the areas of expertise for decision support, visualisation, Big Data approaches and the enhancement of a comprehensive Linked Data knowledge base.

Moreover, the IT infrastructure will be consolidated and made highly scalable. The improvement of the existing repositories, search system and semantic web technologies will facilitate the transition to a knowledge infrastructure.

10:45–12:30 Geological applications for EU: just a click away

In this splinter session, GSEU application will present to industry stakholder major benefits provided by the EGDI platform in terms of georesources exploration and exploitation. State of art and future development will be discussed engaging participants to collect market’s needs and expectations.

16:15–18:00 Geological knowledge for EU: just a click away

In this splinter session, a core group of GSEU and EGDI professionals will present the newest developments of the EGDI platform and will actively engage with the session’s attendees via use cases and feedback sessions to collect precious feedback to further tailor the features of the EGDI platform to the needs of current and future

19:00–20:00 Geological infrastructure for EU: just a click away

This event aims at promoting interaction between science and industry to find best development areas of geosciences and sustainable solutions for georesources exploitation. GSEU will meet EGDI users to collect feedback and make the platform more usable and more useful.

The EGU General Assembly 2024 brings together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience.

Undergraduate or master student can take part in the event free of charge.

More information

Presentation (PDF)