Ukrainian Geologist Journal. № 4 (12), OCTOBER-DECEMBER, 2005

Omelyanska 0. Visit of American Association of Petroleum Geologists representatives to Ukraine 3
Gerasimov M., Bondarchuk G. About VI International Conference «Geodynamics, seismicity and oil and gas-bearing of the Black sea-Caspian region» 4
Pavlun M., Slyvko Ye. The 60th anniversary of Ivan Franco Lviv National University geological department 6
Ivanova N. The most powerful fuel and energy forum of Ukraine 8
Interview with Bogdan Khristevich, manager of the exhibitions «Oil and gas», «Power and energy» 12
Polish and Ukrainian studies at Starunia 14
Kitchka 0. Abiotic or bioorganic one? (notes to AAPG conference on origin of petroleum in Calgary) 15

Polukhtovych B., Bublyk M. Grounds of exploration expediency of the Black sea and the Azov sea shelves transition zones 18
Rempel H., Georgiev G. Hydrocarbon potential of the Black sea region 20
Matchoulina S., Ogar V. Donbass guarries: «Dokuchaev flux - dolomitic industrial complex» JSC 28

Lukin A. Outlines of oil-bearing Crystal Mass Conception 33
Patalakha Ye., Yevdoshchuk M., Trolymenko G. PreDonbassian regional foredeep and its specificity 53
Bagriy l., Pochtarenko V., Aksyom S., Schulipenko T., Kozhemyakin V., Antonov O. The appraisal of the polluters influence on the state of Kryvyi Rig basin water surfaces (the monitoring researches) 64
Levin Yu., Pryakhina U., Makovska S., Kurchenko L., Lysenko T., Zhyvtseva V., Maznyi l., Oprya L. Qualification of mineral-dressing products of Malyshevsky deposit for zirconium, rutile and ilmenite concentrates production 77

Romantic by profession - romantic in life 82
Grytsyshyn V. Commemorate Fedorovych Grygoriy Petrovych 84

Kvasnitsa V., Kvasnitsa I., Kosovskyi Ya. Macrocrystals of native copper from basalts of Volyn 87
Mikhaylov V., Nesterovskiy V. Stone scherzo of Karadag 89
Matchoulina S. Evdialit in kingdom of alkaline rocks 94
Furduy R. Do not lose the sense of humour 96

Terms and conditions of publishing 100