Scientific and Practical Seminar Dedicated to the 10th Anniversary of Ukrpromgeofizika CJSC

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September 28, 2009, 17:12

We congratulate Ukrpromgeofizika CJSC on the anniversary! A scientific and practical seminar "New technologies for the exploration of wells and the increase of geological efficiency of industrial and geophysical works for oil and gas" dedicated to the 10th anniversary of Ukrpromgeofizika CJSC took place on 23-25 September 2009.

Ukrpromgeofizika CJSC, a specialized service company belonging to NADRA Group, performs a full range of explorations and works in oil and gas and methane-coal wells, operating in the market of geophysical services since 1999. Good professional level of specialists and availability of new metrological equipment ensure high quality of performance of works, their safety, giving effective results, completeness in solving geological, technical and other tasks of the customer.

The seminar was attended by representatives of organizations: KharkivGazvydobuvannya, LvivGazvydobuvannya, Ukrgazpromgeofizika, Ukrburgas, UkrNDIgas, Shell, Poltava Gas and Oil Company, Cube-Gas LLC