Ukrainian Geologist Journal. № 1-2 (21-22), JANUARY-JUNE, 2008

Furduy R. International conference «Problems of Carboniferous Stratigraphy» 3
International research and practical conference «Evolution of granitoids and related mineral resources versus the Earth's energy and stages of is tectonimagmatic activation» 5
Liventseva H. To 150th anniversary of P.A. Tutkovsky birth 8
Ogar V. XXXI Session of Ukrainian Paleontological Society 9
Kitchka O. 70th Annual EAGE Conference held in the Eternal City 11

Bulayevska I., Mershchiy V., Lisnyi G., Polunin O. Development and application of NABAD data base 13
Kurylo M. Mineragraphy: its problems and tasks 17
Prysiazhny V., Kakaranza S., Ivanov V. PrychornomorSEGE: main missions, achievements, areas of work and prospects 21
Lyzun S. The increase of hydrocarbon resources in Ukraine is the guarantee of its safety 26
Gozhik P., Galetsky L., Vasylenko S. On international edition «Geology of the Northern Europe dryland and offshore» 29
Gafych I. VII International research and practical conference «New technologies and engineering of well logging for oil and gas. Information maintenance for exploration and production» 39

Benko V., Koval A., Solovyov V. Mid-Paleozoic riftogenesis in Eurasia: its structure, origin and development with time 41
Lukienko O., Kravchenko D. Secondary stratification of Precambrian granite-metamorphic domains of the Ukrainian Shield (upon tectonofacies analysis data) 47
Morozenko V. Structural and tectonic peculiarities of Plato Mts, South Azores uplifted system 61
Roslyi I., Stryzhak V. Geodynamics of the Dnieper graben during its development in Devoninan-Carboniferous times 66
Ishchenko O., Mytrofaylo L. Monitoring of hydrocarbon gases pollution in the aeration zone (By the example of Rubanivka gas field) 73
Shumliansky L., Mitrokhin O., Bogdanova S., Bratchuk O., Yakubenko P. U-Pb rock dating (upon zircons) of the Korsun-Novomirgorod anorthosite-rapakivi-granite pluton 77
Radzivill A., Matchoulina S., Vergelska N. New data on tectonics of the South Margin Zone of the Folded Donbas in the light of its prospectivity for hydrocarbon exploration 86
Ivanyshyn V. On regularities of litho-facies and reservoir properties changes for Lower Carboniferous sedimentary rocks in the Zhdanivka depression, Dnieper-Donets basin 91
Bagriy I., Pochtarenko I., Aksiom S., Shekhunova S., Znamenska T., Maslun N., Dubossarsky V., Kravchynsky R., Yantsevich O. Pecularities of litho-dynamic processes and composition of bottom sediments in the coastal zone of Tuzla Spit Island 99

To the jubilee of Vera Mykolayivna Zaitseva 111
75 years from Rostyslav Sergiyovych Furduy birthday! 112
Greetings to Geogiy Ivanovych Pedanyuk with his 70th jubilee 115
To 70th anniversary of V.O. Shumlyansky birth, a geologist 116
Makarenko D. Second mother country of Professor V.D. Laskarev 122
Ivantyshyna O., Shumlyansky V. A Volyn's nugget 126
Pavlyshyn V. The peerless expert and poet of a rock (to 125th anniversary of Academician A.Ye. Fersman birthday) 136

Mershchiy V. India's impressions 138
Machulina S., Kvasnytsya V. Voznyak D., Reiner T., Vyshnevsky O., Gurnenko I. Fulgurite from the southwestern Donbas 145
Silchenko G. White spot, predator Daniil and gendarme Petro 149

Terms and conditions of publishing 169